Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife – Leslie Kean

Over 2,500 cases have been documented of children with memories they say are of a previous life, and 1,400 cases…have resulted in the identification of…the previous life personality, based on facts provided by the child.

That’s some claim, but this carefully researched and reported chronicle of such children as a three-year-old with detailed knowledge of WWII fighter planes and the people with whom he said he served in the war is enough to make even the most ardent skeptic think twice. Not only does the research cited by numerous PhD’s indicate that reincarnation is real, it elaborates on such phenomena as near-death experiences, deathbed telepathy, birthmarks and defects correlated to previous life traumas, psychokinesis, poltergeists, and mediumship. So compelling are the testimonies from around the globe that this 2017 investigation is enjoying an afterlife as a respected Netflix series, for which you can watch the trailer here.

This chronicle starts strong with numerous detailed and compelling accounts by children whose recollections of past lives proved verifiable. Then it slips into high term-paper mode with a parade of research that, while important, reaches mind-numbing levels, before ultimately turning to a historically detailed account of séance experiences that provide truly astounding and irrefutable evidence of paranormal encounters with the dead. I highly recommend this book for nonbelievers, believers, and the merely curious. 416 pages or 14 ½ hours on Audible.